Unable to login to i-Access?

Listed below are some of the common reasons you may be having difficulty.
  • i-Access ID is more than 12 characters :
    • IDs with more than 12 characters have been truncated to 12 characters.
      Current username - MyUsername1234
      Truncated - MyUsername12

  • Password is more than 10 characters:
    • Passwords with more than 10 characters have been truncated to 10 characters.
      Current password - Password1234
      Truncated - Password12
  • Forgot Password
    • ‘Reset Password’ link – Once in i-Access, in the Options Menu, members can setup a reset question and answer. This allows members to be able to reset their passwords using the ‘Reset Password’ link. *Must be setup prior to using.


    • Please contact the Credit Union at (919) 684-6704.
  • Forgot i-Access ID
    • Please contact the Credit Union at (919) 684-6704.

  • Pop-up functionality must be allowed for certain sections of the website to work properly.
    *Please turn off or reconfigure any programs that may block pop-up functionality.

  • Cookies must be allowed for certain sections of i-Access to function properly.
    (This can usually be done within the browser settings)
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